Prepare for a healthy diet: Nutritionist's tips

16.10.2023 19:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

If you want to eat healthily, then you should change your diet - but it doesn't happen overnight.

To make a healthy diet great, you should stick to it, and it's often hard to change your habits instantly - so you should do it slowly.

Here are a few tips on how to change your diet gradually to make it more effective and lasting.

Add More Fruits and Veggies

Start by adding a serving of fruit or vegetables to one meal each day. For example, have an apple with breakfast or a side salad with lunch.

Drink More Water

Begin your day with a glass of water, and try to drink water throughout the day. Gradually reduce the amount of sugary drinks, soda, or excessive coffee.


Cut Down on Junk Food

Identify the most common junk food or sugary snacks you consume. Reduce your intake gradually. For instance, if you have a chocolate bar every day, start by having it every other day.

Portion Control

Pay attention to portion sizes. Use smaller plates to help control your portion sizes. Be mindful of how much you eat and try to avoid going for seconds.

Cook at Home

Start by cooking one more meal at home each week. Find simple, healthy recipes and gradually increase the number of homemade meals.

Choose Healthier Snacks

Swap out unhealthy snacks for healthier alternatives. For example, replace potato chips with air-popped popcorn or candy with a piece of dark chocolate.

Read Food Labels

Begin reading food labels when you shop. Look for items with lower amounts of added sugar, sodium, and saturated fats. Over time, you'll become more informed about healthier choices.

Meal Planning

Plan your meals for the week. Create a menu that includes a balance of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Make a shopping list based on your plan.


Combine these tips to create a sustainable healthy eating pattern that will benefit you!

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Add More Fruits and Veggies
  2. Drink More Water
  3. Cut Down on Junk Food
  4. Portion Control
  5. Cook at Home
  6. Choose Healthier Snacks
  7. Read Food Labels
  8. Meal Planning
  9. Conclusion