

When specialists say that your mood and self-perception matters more than you might think, they don't lie. In fact, the way you see yourself can significantly impact your appearance as well.

Kate Yakimchuk self-perception self-confidence beauty attraction Psychology 2 January 2024
worried woman

Most people can intuitively understand that something is wrong when they see a person going through some mental issues. They don't always look dirty or shaggy - there are lots of more subtle signs that human brain sees automatically.

Kate Yakimchuk stress personality Psychology 16 November 2023

Some people can't understand why others constantly change the way they look, but it can actually be quite beneficial. For many people, changing the way they look can be good for their mental state, helping them feel happier about themselves.

Kate Yakimchuk mood personality happiness Psychology 13 November 2023
skeptic man

Most people aren't exactly happy with their looks - some people just see some flaws, others simply hate what they see in a mirror daily. But why do people who you see as stunning even have insecurities?

Kate Yakimchuk insecurity self-esteem Psychology 14 October 2023
happy woman

Nowadays, lots of people suffer from poor body image and low-self esteem. While it's easier than ever to find pictures of beautiful people on the internet, real people feel disappointed because they don't seem attractive enough.

Kate Yakimchuk self-esteem tips Psychology 17 September 2023
sad teen

While many people think that the school years were the happiest in their lives, it's not like that for everyone - and it's as true now as it was a few decades ago. Despite changes in school culture over the years, a recent study shows that certain things haven't changed – life can be tough for middle school students who aren't considered attractive or athletic.

Kate Yakimchuk research teenagers self-esteem Psychology 10 September 2023
sad woman

Nowadays, lots of people have body image issues, so they can't stand seeing their own reflection. Learning to like your mirror reflection and fostering a positive self-image can be a gradual process that involves self-acceptance and self-compassion. 

Kate Yakimchuk insecurity self-esteem Psychology 9 September 2023

We are taught that personality matters more than appearance, but it doesn't always work when you meet someone for the first time. Lots of amazing people struggle finding a partner, because strangers don't give them a chance to show who they are.

Kate Yakimchuk relationship confidence personality Psychology 6 June 2023