Number of meals and weight loss: Nutritionist's insights

14.09.2023 10:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

We often hear multiple different theories on how often we should eat to lose weight healthily.

Some specialists claim that it's better to eat small portions frequently, others claim otherwise - so where's the truth?

Let's find out together.

More Meals, Smaller Portions

Some people believe that eating more frequent, smaller meals throughout the day can help with weight loss. 

This approach can keep you from feeling too hungry and may prevent overeating during meals.


Fewer Meals, Larger Portions

Others prefer eating fewer, but larger meals. 

They find it easier to manage their calorie intake this way, and it can work for some people as long as they don't overeat during these larger meals.

Balancing Calories

Regardless of how many meals you have, what really matters for weight loss is the total number of calories you consume versus the number of calories you burn through activity. 

If you consistently eat more calories than you burn, you're likely to gain weight. Eating fewer calories than you burn can lead to weight loss.

Hunger and Satisfaction

The number of meals can also affect how hungry you feel and how satisfied you are. 

It's essential to find a meal pattern that helps you control your appetite and keeps you satisfied while staying within your calorie goals.


People are different, and what works best for one person may not work for another. 

Some people feel better with more frequent meals, while others prefer fewer, larger meals. 

It's about finding a routine that fits your lifestyle and helps you manage your calorie intake effectively.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. More Meals, Smaller Portions
  2. Fewer Meals, Larger Portions
  3. Balancing Calories
  4. Hunger and Satisfaction
  5. Conclusion