There are many reasons for weight gain due to stress: Hormonal changes.
The level of ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, and cortisol, which slows down metabolism and leads to increased accumulation of fat, increase.
How obesity affects the human psyche
Being overweight sometimes makes you feel bad about yourself.

Lack of positive self-esteem is the cause of psychological problems.
Lack of sleep also affects the psyche.
According to recent studies, obesity is accompanied by insomnia.
Excess weight seriously increases the load on the body and leads to the deposition of harmful substances, in particular cholesterol, in the blood vessels.
In the United States, about three out of four adults over 20 are considered overweight or obese by doctors.
How excess weight affects the brain
The researchers note that in overweight people, for every one-unit increase in BMI, there was an increased level of cortical thinning of 0.098 mm.
In obese people, cortical thinning was observed at a level of 0.207 mm.
This in turn leads to the development of brain diseases.
Previously, we talked about what postoperative depression is.