You need to get rid of excess weight correctly. Advice from a nutritionist will help you.
Diana Dashkevich health health facts nutrition nutrition facts Cooking 25 May 2024Obesity in a pet is extremely dangerous to health. In this article, we will tell you how to understand that your cat is overweight.
Diana Dashkevich pets cats animal care pets facts Animals 6 March 2024Obesity is a serious problem. There can be many causes of the disease. In this article, we will tell you why excess calories are stored in the body as fat.
Diana Dashkevich health health facts food facts Cooking 20 February 2024The main causes of obesity are overeating and lack of proper exercise (hypodynamia). When an animal eats more calories than it expends, the excess is stored in the body as fat.
Diana Dashkevich pets dogs cats animal care pets facts Animals 15 January 2024There are many reasons for weight gain due to stress: Hormonal changes. The level of ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, and cortisol, which slows down metabolism and leads to increased accumulation of fat, increase.
Diana Dashkevich mental health health facts nutrition facts Psychology 13 December 2023New research shows that the weight of a person affects how and when their bodies burn energy. A new experiment discovered that individuals with a healthy body weight tend to use more energy during the day when they are active, while individuals with obesity use more energy at night when they are sleeping.
Kate Yakimchuk research body weight calories Cooking 28 November 2023People often associate discrimination and social issues with extremely thin people, but it's often far from reality. A new study shows that discrimination often leads to obesity because of stress response and comfort food.
Kate Yakimchuk research stress brain Psychology 14 October 2023Lots of people assume that obesity happens just because someone just loves eating too much, but it's actually more complicated than that. A recent study conducted by UCLA researchers has found sex-specific brain signals that may help explain why men and women develop obesity differently.
Kate Yakimchuk research men women Cooking 2 October 2023In some cases, only gastric bypass surgery can help a person to lose a significant amount of weight, but it's not easy for most people. Meanwhile, scientists seem to find an effective solution that mimics the effects of the surgery without the negative aspects.
Kate Yakimchuk research weight Cooking 29 September 2023When you live a stressful life, you might feel like reaching for delicious high-calorie comfort foods, but a study from Sydney suggests this isn't a healthy choice. Stress combined with different calorie-rich comfort foods can affect your brain and lead to noticeable overeating, cravings for sweet and fat foods, and also weight gain.
Kate Yakimchuk research food comfort stress Cooking 25 September 2023You can actually be genetically prone to obesity - your genes can make it harder for you to feel full, and they can make your hunger worse. Meanwhile, a new study shows that some food restrictions can actually help people to keep their weight healthy and avoid obesity.
Kate Yakimchuk research genetics food dieting Cooking 24 September 2023It's better to eat healthily and avoid ultra-processed foods, but if you love them too much, then you can integrate them into your healthy diet. A new study shows that if you create your diet wisely, then you can make it healthy even when it mostly contains ultra-processed foods.
Kate Yakimchuk food research nutrition Cooking 24 September 2023It's often hard to help your child with obesity, because kids don't often understand the reasons, and you want to make them happy as a parent. Meanwhile, a study from Karolinska Institutet found that treating obesity in young children is effective both in the short term and long term.
Kate Yakimchuk research children food health Cooking 22 September 2023The body mass index (BMI) is a way to measure how healthy your weight is, but it doesn't tell the whole story. Some people with a normal BMI still have too much body fat, and this can be a problem for their health.
Kate Yakimchuk research Cooking 21 September 2023You've probably heard that fasting can be extremely effective for people who want to lose weight quickly - and it is, but it's not that simple. New studies show that lots of people gain weight back after they finish fasting, and it often happens pretty quickly.
Kate Yakimchuk fasting dieting research Cooking 21 September 2023Some pets know when they're actually hungry, others ask for food whenever they see you around. When you love your pets a lot, it's often hard to resist the urge to make them happy for a while, even when you know that it's not good for them.
Kate Yakimchuk pets food habits tips Animals 21 September 2023Most people rely on BMA while tracking their weight and health - but it might be not that effective these days. While in many cases it can actually help you understand whether you have a healthy body weight or not, your fat percentage matters way more.
Kate Yakimchuk research weight Cooking 19 September 2023Ultra-processed foods, like packaged snacks and hot dogs, aren't very healthy and can cause health problems. It's clear that you should stay away from them most of the time, but where are the food policies that could help that?
Kate Yakimchuk research food health Cooking 19 September 2023While most nutritionists are now convinced that it's all about calories, not foods, new study shows that some food can actually make you bigger. It's not about how much you eat or how many calories you consume - some ultra-processed foods can actually change your body and make it more prone to obesity.
Kate Yakimchuk research food health Cooking 19 September 2023Scientists try their best to find solutions that can help people with obesity to become healthier. More than 30% of American adults are now considered obese, and this is a concern because it increases the risk of various diseases like diabetes, heart problems, and even COVID-19.
Kate Yakimchuk research protein weight Cooking 18 September 2023