We all know that "our mistakes make us stronger", but is it actually true?
Well, it's true in most cases, but you have to understand how to learn from your mistakes to make them useful.
Here are a few reasons why failures can actually be pretty useful for you.

When we fail at something, we can learn from our mistakes. It's like figuring out what went wrong and how to do better next time.
This learning helps us become more skilled and smarter.
Failure teaches us to bounce back. Imagine falling off a bike when learning to ride. You get back on and try again.
This builds resilience, which means we don't give up easily.
Failing can make us more determined. When we really want something, and we fail at first, it can make us work even harder to achieve our goals.
Failure gives us experience. Think of it like practice. The more we fail and try again, the more experienced and confident we become.
Failing can remind us that we're not perfect. It keeps us humble and open to improving ourselves. Nobody gets everything right all the time.
Failures are like puzzles. We need to figure out how to solve them. This problem-solving skill we develop can help in many areas of life.
Everyone makes mistakes, and everyone can fail sometimes - you should just learn from every experience you have to do better next time.