How Anxious Attachment Affects Your Sleep

31.07.2024 06:00

Many factors can affect your sleep.

Can relationships affect your sleep

People often think that sleep is influenced by factors like life anxiety, work stress, poor nutrition, and disrupted sleep patterns. 

However, anxious attachment can also impact your sleep quality.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Most advice on getting a good night's sleep focuses on maintaining healthy habits, such as morning exercise and reducing nighttime stimulation. 

Nevertheless, rarely does it mention the importance of feeling that your partner cares about you and will support you through thick and thin. 

Experts believe that these feelings can both help and hinder your sleep.

Anxious Attachment and Sleep

Arguments with your partner or a partner with poor sleep habits can negatively affect your sleep. 

In the long run, the real issue is often worries about the stability of your relationship. 

According to adult attachment style theory, anxious attachment occurs when people seek closeness with their partners but fear abandonment or rejection. 

This "hypervigilance for threat" can increase arousal, making it difficult for anxiously attached individuals to relax and fall asleep.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Can relationships affect your sleep
  2. Anxious Attachment and Sleep