Listening to music, a child hears not only sounds, but also the thoughts and desires of the composer.
Under its influence, the creative imagination itself is created, and through it the perception of different aspects of life changes.
Why music is especially important for children
Music promotes the all-round development of a child and helps develop skills for future schooling, especially language and reading skills.

Learning to play a musical instrument can help develop mathematical thinking and even improve school performance.
Listening to music develops visual-figurative thinking - the ability to analyze an image and then synthesize it.
How does music lessons affect a child
Regular music lessons with children develop not only hand motor skills, but also speech motor skills.
A study by employees of the Institute of Education in London confirmed that learning music and playing any instrument, even a noise instrument, increases the level of intelligence and generally improves a person’s overall well-being.
We previously talked about what your playlist says about you.