Psychologist's Opinion: Why Self-Dislike is Dangerous

13.05.2024 21:22

Loving yourself means accepting yourself, taking care of yourself, understanding and recognizing your right to make mistakes.

Loving yourself means stopping fighting with yourself, accepting your appearance and your character, accepting your worldview, allowing yourself to be different from others and disagreeing with what you don’t want to agree with.

What is self-non-acceptance

Self-non-acceptance should be understood as avoiding traits of your personality and external characteristics that are unpleasant to you.


Thus, without accepting your body, emotions, feelings, desires, you refuse to acknowledge your own reality.

What is body rejection

This is an attitude towards your body with a negative assessment.

Where there is shame about the body, a feeling of guilt for its appearance, irritation, a desire to remake, reshape the body - there is non-acceptance.

Why is it important to accept yourself

Self-acceptance is essential to mental health and a happy life.

People will do anything they can, no matter how absurd, to avoid coming face to face with their soul.

Balanced, reasonable and truly happy people are usually those who know and accept themselves fairly well.

Self-love gives you self-confidence. People who love themselves are more likely to get better jobs, promotions, and more friends and fans.

In addition, this is one of the decisive reasons to love yourself.

You will gain peace of mind and be able to avoid self-flagellation.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is self-non-acceptance
  2. What is body rejection
  3. Why is it important to accept yourself