Scientific Explained: Why Nature Is Good for Mental Health

13.07.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Doctors rarely prescribe walks in nature, although they should. In the article we will tell you why nature has such a positive effect on well-being.

Nature's Benefits for Mental and Physical Health

According to numerous studies, being in nature improves mood, mental abilities, as well as a person’s mental health. Nature is also the symptoms of depression.

In addition, physical activity is good for overall health. For example, walks in the forest, in the mountains, along the embankment.

Nature reminds man that we are built into this world as part of it. Among the fields, forests and water bodies, the level of anxiety and stress is significantly reduced.

This is facilitated by blue and green colors, as well as open spaces.

Photo: Pixabay

Research has shown that observing natural fractals, such as plants, mountains, ocean waves, causes alpha wave activity in the brain. This means that a person in this case feels more relaxed and calm.

Feeling good is also influenced by the scents of nature.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource