Drinking a small portion of warm water before bed helps your body relax and calm your nerves.
What product helps you fall asleep quickly
Melatonin is also found in brown rice, bananas, broccoli, pomegranates, fresh strawberries and mint.
For the synthesis of the sleep hormone, a sufficient amount of the amino acid tryptophan is necessary - it is found in hard cheeses, cottage cheese, cocoa, soybeans, almonds, hazelnuts, oatmeal and whole grain bread.

What fruits should you not eat at night
Citrus fruits are also rich in fiber, and apples and pears are also good evening snacks.
It is worth giving up sweet and high-calorie fruits such as bananas, grapes, mangoes before going to bed.
What vegetable to eat at night
You can also eat vegetables at night - raw or processed.
You can eat them in the form of a salad, stew, or cook a dietary soup.
If you are overweight, then it is better to lean on raw vegetables with a low starch content (cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots) and greens.
What is harmful to eat at night
Do not eat spicy or fatty foods before going to bed, or drink alcohol.
Fatty, high-protein foods like steak are digested slowly and can disrupt our sleep cycles.
What drink to drink before bed
A traditional evening drink, chamomile tea has a calming effect.
In addition, chamomile contains the substance apigenin.
It has an effect similar to sleeping pills, but is milder and non-addictive.
For a sleeping effect, it is enough to drink 270 ml of chamomile tea (a little more than a glass) before bed.
Some studies have shown that drinking tart cherry juice can help people fall asleep, especially for people who suffer from insomnia.
Previously, we talked about what deep sleep is.