Yoga Nidra For Well-being: A New Study

18.12.2023 05:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Modern people are well-aware that yoga can be highly beneficial for their health, but what about yoga that doesn't require movements at all?

A new study shows that Yoga Nidra can be quite beneficial for your well-being.

Let's find out how this passive form of yoga can actually help you.


Mindfulness Works

Practicing yoga nidra, a special form of mindfulness training, could enhance sleep, cognition, learning, and also memory, even for beginners.

The experiment involved a two-week intervention with novice practitioners.

Results showed an increase in the percentage of delta-waves during deep sleep, and improvements in various cognitive abilities.

Relaxation Matters

Unlike more physically active forms of yoga, yoga nidra induces a state of conscious relaxation while lying down.

This new experiment used objective polysomnographic measures for sleep and a battery of cognitive tests, providing more reliable data than previous subjective reports.

The findings highlight that yoga nidra is a cost-effective and accessible method for improving sleep quality and also cognitive performance.

Previously, we talked about self-discipline.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Mindfulness Works
  2. Relaxation Matters