Nuts are healthier than you think.
Diana Dashkevich nuts healthy food health facts nutrition Cooking 9 August 2024Your snacks can also be healthier. Choose foods that contain few carbohydrates and a lot of protein.
Diana Dashkevich health health facts proper nutrition food Cooking 25 June 2024If you love sandwiches, then you probably experiment with different ingredients a lot to achieve the perfect taste. One of the most delicious ingredients is cottage cheese which works perfectly with both cold and hot sandwiches.
Kate Yakimchuk sandwich cottage cheese cooking ideas cheese Cooking 17 January 2024In many countries and even regions, you can find some unusual and delicious snacks. In Asian countries, you can find many dishes and snacks that will blast your tongue with unusual flavors and textures.
Kate Yakimchuk cooking ideas food ideas Cooking 15 January 2024A nicely cooked hot sandwich can be the best option when you're out of time and need to eat something. The best thing about these sandwiches is that they're extremely easy to cook, and you can experiment with tastes and fillings a lot.
Kate Yakimchuk sandwich cooking tips cooking ideas breakfast Cooking 6 January 2024If you work a lot, then you probably don't always have time to cook proper meals. Luckily, snacks can help you - they can be fulfilling and delicious too!
Kate Yakimchuk healthy food cooking tips food ideas Cooking 21 December 2023Healthy snacks can be delicious - and baked carrots are a great example of it. It's one of the easiest things you can cook, but you should know some tricks on how to make it even more delicious.
Kate Yakimchuk carrot baking recipe Cooking 18 November 2023Not everyone sees food as just a source of energy that helps you to survive - it's also a huge source of joy and even entertainment. Therefore, lots of people snack when they're actually bored, and it can ruin their diet a lot.
Kate Yakimchuk snacking habits dieting food Cooking 16 November 2023Treats are hard to ignore in the supermarket because our brains can learn to love them. Researchers]found that foods high in fat and sugar can change our brain.
Kate Yakimchuk research brain sugar Cooking 2 October 2023If you love sweets, then you should at least choose the healthiest options, so they won't ruin your diet quickly. Sweets can be extremely different, so you can always find more or less healthy options to enjoy.
Kate Yakimchuk sweets sugar health Cooking 24 September 2023