

Some plants can grow at the same place for many years, but others have to be replanted regularly. Therefore, if you want to spend less time on gardening, you should avoid these plants, because they are too high maintenance.

Kate Yakimchuk garden plants gardening tips flowers Garden 21 January 2024

Cherry tomatoes get their name because of their shape and small size, reminiscent of a cherry. Unlike their traditional counterparts, they have small and rich red glossy fruits that absorb maximum benefits, taste and aroma.

Diana Dashkevich tomatoes healthy food food facts Cooking 15 January 2024

Prebiotics are dietary fibers found in certain plant-based foods that can significantly help to promote the growth of the good bacteria in the gut. Scientists conducted an experiment to see if prebiotics could affect brain function and even food decision-making.

Kate Yakimchuk research healthy food bacteria weight management Cooking 14 January 2024

Carrots are the undoubted leader in vitamin A content. Vitamins C and E help slow down the aging process, K increases blood clotting.

Diana Dashkevich carrot health health facts healthy food Cooking 13 January 2024

Raw broccoli is crunchy, with a vegetal, slightly sweet and slightly bitter flavor. Boiled broccoli is a little different - sweeter.

Diana Dashkevich broccoli healthy food health facts vitamins Cooking 10 January 2024

Dogs aren't just carnivores – they are omnivores, and they actually need plant-based foods to stay healthy and active. For example, dogs can and should eat vegetables, especially some kinds of them.

Kate Yakimchuk pet health dog food dieting Animals 10 January 2024

It is recommended to plant beans around cucumber beds. They go well with sweet corn, potatoes, and radishes. radish, spinach, mustard. Interspersing beans into the planting of these crops improves their nitrogen supply.

Diana Dashkevich beans gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 4 January 2024

Okra tastes like a mixture of asparagus and eggplant. Only the fresh fruit, unlike all other fruits, has a sticky juice that gives it “sliminess” and thickens any dishes (from soups to stews) that are prepared with cut pods.

Diana Dashkevich health healthy food food facts Cooking 4 January 2024

Gardeners who enjoy growing fruits and vegetables want big harvests - it's not just beneficial, but also simply pleasant! Meanwhile, even the experienced ones often make some mistakes that make it harder for them to achieve great results.

Kate Yakimchuk harvest gardening mistakes growing plants fruits Garden 28 December 2023

If you want to make your diet healthier, then you should choose some dishes that you'll actually enjoy. For instance, not everyone loves green beans, but there are a few dishes that can change your mind.

Kate Yakimchuk healthy food cooking ideas Cooking 27 December 2023

Cauliflower strengthens the immune system and contains many vitamins and microelements: magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium. Folic acid in its composition is beneficial for the nervous system.

Diana Dashkevich food vitamins nutrition facts food facts Cooking 16 December 2023

Chili peppers have a strong spicy aroma and taste ranging from spicy to hot and even very hot (due to the content of the phenolic compound capsaicin (decylenic acid vanillyl amide), which is not found in sweet bell peppers). Capsaicin is found in the seeds, veins and skin of the fruit.

Diana Dashkevich peppers hot pepper cooking tips Cooking 14 December 2023

When dried and flaked, Jalapeño fruits are typically reddish-pink in color. The taste is very spicy, with a slight nutty flavor and special sourness. The unique taste and rich aroma of the Jalapeño pepper make it indispensable for making salsa.

Diana Dashkevich peppers health healthy food food facts Cooking 10 December 2023

Fresh capers have a slightly bitter taste; in the kitchen, salted and pickled buds are usually used. Dishes with capers acquire a special piquant taste: spicy, sour, slightly mustardy.

Diana Dashkevich capers food healthy food food facts Cooking 8 December 2023

The taste of squash is more pronounced than that of zucchini. It has a distinctive herbaceous flavor that is somewhat reminiscent of the essence of pumpkin, asparagus, artichoke and mushrooms. In addition, squash absorbs the taste of the dishes in which it is found.

Diana Dashkevich health food healthy food nutrition facts Cooking 7 December 2023

This is a rather interesting vegetable, which is shaped like a carrot, but unlike it, it is white in color. This root vegetable tastes like a mix of celery and carrot flavors. Thanks to it, parsnips give dishes a rather piquant taste. The smell of this vegetable is vaguely reminiscent of parsley.

Diana Dashkevich roots health healthy food food facts Cooking 6 December 2023

Green peas can be absolutely delicious, both fresh and cooked, and they are especially tasty when you grow them in your garden. They are not that hard to grow, and that's why so many gardeners and farmers choose to plant them.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening legumes tips Garden 27 November 2023

If you enjoy vegetables and want to grow lots of different types of them, then you can try growing zucchini. These vegetables require some specific conditions to thrive, but if you do everything correctly, then you can collect an amazing harvest.

Kate Yakimchuk zucchini gardening tips Garden 24 November 2023

The root vegetable can be eaten fresh, but more often beets are boiled, fried, stewed, or baked. It is added to borscht, beetroot soup, vinaigrettes, vegetable salads, and served as a side dish. Beets are combined with cabbage, onions, cranberries, raisins, prunes, apples, nuts, etc.

Diana Dashkevich cooking food Cooking 19 November 2023

Spices can transform your cooking and bring it to a new level, and it's not just about traditional things like salt and pepper. Even the healthiest things like stew vegetables can turn into an actually enjoyable and delicious dish when you use the right spices.

Kate Yakimchuk spices cooking Cooking 18 November 2023