Последние новости за 23 августа 2023 года


Before buying, you need to clearly understand how much space your future sofa will take. It has three measurement parameters: height, depth and, most importantly, width. It is measured along the widest part of the sofa - the armrests or the back. Do not forget that you need to take into account the size of the sofa, not only when folded, but also when unfolded.

Диана Дашкевич sofa living room advices House Design
healthy meal

Eating healthily doesn't always mean eating tiny portions - sometimes you just need replace some foods with others. Incorporating vegetables into your diet can play a significant role in making your meals less calorie-dense. 

Kate Yakimchuk calories vegetables health dieting Cooking

Ночные заморозки и резкое падение дневной температуры воздуха могут дать о себе знать уже в самом начале осени.

Курчев Антон растения осень температура лук средство Минск
scared dog

If you're sure that all pets are frightened when they hear or even see vacum cleaners, then you might be wrong. Not all pets are scared of vacuum cleaners due to a combination of individual temperament, early exposure, and sensory experiences. 

Kate Yakimchuk pets fears cleaning personality Animals

Vinegar. An aqueous solution (1:1) of table vinegar will help to easily wash off even limescale deposits on the bathroom mirror. The reflective surface must be treated with a composition and left for a few minutes. Then rinse everything with water, wipe the mirror dry and polish with a paper towel to a shine.

Диана Дашкевич mirror cleaning cleaning tips Helpful tips
sad man

Chronic pain often coincides with depression and anxiety, creating a complex interplay.  In a commentary published in JAMA Network Open, Dr. Kurt Kroenke explores the link between pain, the primary symptom that drives patients to physicians, and depression and anxiety, two of the most prevalent global mental health conditions. 

Kate Yakimchuk research pain depression mind body Psychology

Многие родители хотят вырастить из своего ребёнка успешного и самостоятельного человека. Но цель не будет достигнута, если неправильно воспитывать малыша.

Курчев Антон ребенок характер воспитание родители советы Дети