If you have a cat then you probably notice it staring at seemingly nothing from time to time. This behavior might be funny or weird to observe, and some people even feel a bit terrified because of it.
Kate Yakimchuk pets cats Animals 30 September 2023Most people don't like when someone around them shows off - but these people can also show off in a different situation. Boasting and pretending to be more successful than you are is a pretty popular thing, but why?
Kate Yakimchuk personality people Psychology 30 September 2023Imagining a happy ending instead of such memories (a process called rescripting) led to improved quality of life and increased self-esteem in at least one study.
Diana Dashkevich mental health happiness facts Psychology 29 September 2023Have you ever seen your cat or dog running around the house like crazy with no visible reason? If the answer is yes, then you've witnessed zoomies - a funny habit that both cats and dogs share.
Kate Yakimchuk pets dogs cats Animals 29 September 2023Some cats love sleeping next to their owners - it feels secure and cozy for them. Meanwhile, other cats can come to you ten times a night and try to wake you up - but why?
Kate Yakimchuk pets cats Animals 29 September 2023Have you ever bought a fancy house for your cat just to realize that it loves its box more? Cats really enjoy boxes - no matter how big or small they are, they will always try to get inside and sit there.
Kate Yakimchuk pets cats Animals 28 September 2023It's hard to lose extra weight, and it's even harder to maintain healthy habits that have helped you to achieve that. Moreover, not all weight-loss behaviors are healthy on their own - and that can be quite dangerous as well.
Kate Yakimchuk health research weight Cooking 28 September 2023Dogs often ask for food when they see their owners eating - and it's pretty hard for some people to say "no" to them. Meanwhile, feeding your dog from the table is a bad habit, and it has multiple negative sides.
Kate Yakimchuk dogs feeding Animals 28 September 2023The best way to have a nice house is not to clean it daily, but not to create new mess. While it's impossible to keep everything sterile, there are a few habits that lead to a messy house.
Kate Yakimchuk mess tips Helpful tips 27 September 2023If you love your pets and want them to live longer, then you need to keep your eyes on their health and feed them properly. One of the worst things you can do to your pet is to overfeed them - but lots of people just want to make their pets happy, so they can't resist.
Kate Yakimchuk pets food Animals 27 September 2023Some pets seem to never be full - they can ask for more food whenever they see you, and sometimes it's pretty hard to resist. Meanwhile, it's not a healthy thing to do, so if you want your cats to live longer, then you should avoid some feeding mistakes.
Kate Yakimchuk cats pets food mistakes Animals 27 September 2023Even if your pet only prefers one brand of pet food, it doesn't mean that you should only buy this brand - it might not be exactly healthy for your pet friend. But you can't change it quickly as well, because your pet might refuse to eat it.
Kate Yakimchuk pets food health Animals 25 September 2023When you pet cats, they often start kneading - they move their paws like they're preparing the dough. It's a pretty cute habit, and not all cats have it - but why do they do it in the first place?
Kate Yakimchuk cats pets Animals 23 September 2023Lots of people find it nearly offensive when their cat starts to groom itself right after they pet him. While it seems that cats show their unpleasantness this way, it's not always the case - cats think differently, so they often have different reasons to do what they do.
Kate Yakimchuk cats pets grooming Animals 22 September 2023You are what you eat, they say. But it's not just your body that gets affected. Research discovered that residing in an underprivileged neighborhood can influence the foods you choose, your weight gain, and even the microstructure of your brain.
Kate Yakimchuk research food environment health Cooking 22 September 2023Some pets know when they're actually hungry, others ask for food whenever they see you around. When you love your pets a lot, it's often hard to resist the urge to make them happy for a while, even when you know that it's not good for them.
Kate Yakimchuk pets food obesity tips Animals 21 September 2023Have you ever tried to catch up on sleep just to be woken up by your cat? They sometimes wake their owners up for no particular reason, and they clearly don't respect your right to sleep for a bit longer on weekends.
Kate Yakimchuk cats pets sleep Animals 20 September 2023When people see their cats trying to dig their food, their first thought is that they strongly dislike it - but it's not always the case. In fact, it's a pretty natural thing for a cat to do - that's how they hide their food in nature, so some of them try to do it while living at home as well.
Kate Yakimchuk pets cats food Animals 20 September 2023Lots of people believe that eating big portions of food is bad for you, because it can permanently make your stomach bigger. It's also believed that a bigger stomach can make it harder for you to feel full, so it can lead to overeating.
Kate Yakimchuk food stomach health dieting Cooking 20 September 2023Cats can be great companions and friends to many people, but they can't be trained as well as dogs - it's simply not part of their nature. Therefore, it's usually not about teaching it to do new tricks - it's mostly about reinforcing bad habits and changing them.
Kate Yakimchuk cats pets training Animals 17 September 2023