Shallow (superficial, light) sleep is a phase of sleep when the heart rate decreases and brain activity slows down.
A person can easily wake up in this stage of sleep, but such sleep is important to reduce stress upon awakening.
Why can't I fall into deep sleep
Work stress, constant workload, “manager syndrome” - also, if a person cannot disconnect from these thoughts, a high level of activation is maintained, and the person cannot go into a state of deep sleep.

Changes in the external environment, moving, hospitalization are a very common cause of adaptation insomnia.
How long should deep sleep last
For some, up to 1.5 hours spent in deep sleep is enough, for others it takes at least five.
Usually the body itself decides how much deep sleep there should be per night.
People who are recovering from illness or lack of sleep spend more time in deep sleep.
How to Increase Deep Sleep Time
Eat foods with tryptophan, which helps in the production of melatonin: cheese, fish, cottage cheese, legumes, dates, sesame seeds. Do a relaxing neck massage.
Especially useful for people who spend a lot of time on a PC. Perform aromatherapy with essential oils.
Previously, we talked about what affects sleep.