Many people experience impostor syndrome, a phenomenon where they doubt their abilities and fear being exposed as a fraud despite evidence of their accomplishments.
If it sounds familiar, then you probably also experience it, and you're clearly not alone in that.
Here are a few reasons of why it happens.

High standards and self-criticism
Individuals who hold high standards for themselves may struggle to recognize and appreciate their achievements.
They tend to focus on their perceived flaws or areas for improvement, leading them to downplay their accomplishments and feel undeserving of recognition.
Social comparisons
Comparing oneself to others can also contribute to feeling undeserving of success.
When people compare their achievements to those of others, they may perceive their accomplishments as less significant or inferior, leading to a sense of unworthiness.
Fear of failure and self-doubt
Some individuals may fear failure or worry that they won't be able to sustain their success, leading them to question the legitimacy of their achievements.
This fear and self-doubt can undermine their confidence and make them feel like they haven't truly earned their accomplishments.
Lack of validation or support
If individuals haven't received adequate validation or support for their achievements from others, they may struggle to internalize their success.
Without external recognition or affirmation, they may question their own abilities and feel undeserving of their accomplishments.