If you desperately want to lose some weight, then you need to keep a healthy diet with a slight calorie deficit. While it sounds hard to do, it doesn't mean that you should starve or even feel hungry all the time, because healthy options can be nutritious too.
Kate Yakimchuk healthy food healthy diet food CookingСладкий чай нельзя пить тем, кто сидит на диете и ограничивает себя в сладком, в остальных случаях чай можно подсластить.
Игорь Зур чай сахар здоровье советы польза ДиетыEven relatively harmless things from our everyday life can cause damage to animals around us. A new study shows how noisy boats make squids temporarily deaf, and how it threatens their lives.
Kate Yakimchuk squids wild animals research environment AnimalsПочему так важно есть черешню и сколько ягод нужно съедать в день.
Игорь Зур черешня ягоды витамины польза питание Красота и здоровьеWhile all narcissists might seem the same, they can actually be pretty much different, and their age and gender matter. A new study claims that older female narcissists are way different from young male ones, and vice versa.
Kate Yakimchuk personality narcissism research PsychologyУспех и счастье пророчат звезды Тельцам, Ракам и еще нескольким знакам зодиака.
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