Worrying about how much and how well you'll sleep can itself affect the quantity and quality of your sleep, creating a seemingly never-ending cycle of anxiety and sleep problems.
Diana Dashkevich mental health sleep Psychology 22 November 2023Not only humans, but also their pets can have mental issues sometimes. Your cat or dog can't say that it's sad or anxious, but its behavior and body language can highlight that something goes wrong.
Kate Yakimchuk pets depression health Animals 19 November 2023Some people think that always expecting the worst can potentially secure them from lots of bad things happening to them. While being ready for everything can actually be useful, it can also damage your mental health and overall happiness.
Kate Yakimchuk expectations personality stress Psychology 19 November 2023About 75% of adults in the United States drink coffee, which is widely known for its caffeine content.
Diana Dashkevich coffee facts Psychology 14 November 2023People who often feel nervous and anxious tend to be better prepared for different unpleasant occasions, but it's not always a great thing. The benefit of being prepared isn't always worth spending days worrying about things that didn't even happen, psychologists say.
Kate Yakimchuk stress problems tips Psychology 13 November 2023When something goes wrong, some people tend to panic - it's a pretty natural reaction for emotional and vulnerable people. Meanwhile, you should still know how to cope with your panic, so you can make rational and reasonable decisions.
Kate Yakimchuk panic personality stress tips Psychology 12 November 2023Mental health issues are often correlated with other diseases, including extremely serious ones. A new discovery shows that anxiety and depression might be the first signs of mutiple sclerosis - or, at least, for some people.
Kate Yakimchuk research sclerosis brain depression Psychology 28 October 2023Some people believe that trigger warnings can help others get ready for or avoid seeing things that might remind them of a past painful experience. However, a study in the journal Clinical Psychological Science suggests that these warnings might not do that job very well.
Kate Yakimchuk research triggers stress Psychology 17 October 2023Anxiety is a common problem in today's society. Below are some effective methods for dealing with anxiety.
Diana Dashkevich stress mental health tips Psychology 14 October 2023Anxiety can make a sleep disorder like insomnia worse, but difficulty sleeping can also make anxiety worse.
Diana Dashkevich mental health sleep Psychology 12 October 2023Sometimes you can explain your anxiety, at least a bit - but sometimes it seems completely illogical and unexpected. Psychologists claim that it happens to many people regularly, and it can be quite normal, unless it happens too often.
Kate Yakimchuk tips reasons Psychology 9 October 2023Anxiety disorders affect up to 30% of adults at some point in their lives. Fortunately, anxiety can sometimes be managed through a number of different coping mechanisms, including breathing exercises.
Diana Dashkevich mental health stress advices Psychology 5 October 2023If you think that students often look depressed or negative, then you might be right - a new study shows that higher education affects people. A recent experiment found that people in higher education in England have a slightly higher risk of having depression and anxiety compared to those who are not attending higher education.
Kate Yakimchuk research student depression stress Psychology 4 October 2023Anxiety is a pretty unpleasant experience, but people who haven't had it before can't always recognize it. In this article, we'll talk about the signs of anxiety. and also how to fight it effectively.
Kate Yakimchuk stress signs tips Psychology 2 October 2023Have you ever heard of different types of attachment that people can have? If you haven't, then you should probably learn about the anxious-avoidant attachment type - it can help you see lots of people and their relationships differently.
Kate Yakimchuk attachment avoidance relationship personality Psychology 15 September 2023This specific type of anxiety disorder, which is estimated to affect about 2% of adults in the United States, is known for being accompanied by persistent fear, worry, or horror about seemingly unimportant events.
Diana Dashkevich mental health facts Psychology 11 September 2023Some people can read others well, and some people just see personal attacks everywhere - and it might be challenging for both them and the others. In most cases, you can change the way you think - you just need more practice, and some tips can help as well.
Kate Yakimchuk self-esteem tips attack Psychology 10 September 2023We all live in a time that changes pretty rapidly, and we often can't know for sure what will happen the next day. While it's normal to feel a bit worried, you can't just be anxious all the time - it can drain you emotionally and physically.
Kate Yakimchuk stress tips Psychology 10 September 2023Fearlessness can be natural, but it can also be learned - that's what the newest research shows. While it still needs more research, it sounds pretty promising - so it can potentially help people with PTSD and anxiety in the future.
Kate Yakimchuk research bravery fears Psychology 8 September 2023Do you feel anxious when you hear someone knocking at your door when you expect no guests? Fear of sudden noises, known as "phonophobia," is a common and natural response that can be attributed to various psychological and physiological factors.
Kate Yakimchuk noise trauma Psychology 3 September 2023