

Sometimes artificial sweeteners can be extremely useful for people with diabetes and those who want to eat more healthily. Meanwhile, sweeteners like aspartame can be quite dangerous sometimes - so you shouldn't use too much of them.

Kate Yakimchuk aspartame sugar health Cooking 26 October 2023

We all hear tons of information about what's healthy to eat and what's not - that's how diet culture works. Meanwhile, some foods that are marketed as extremely healthy can be quite overrated, so you don't have to force yourself to eat them.

Kate Yakimchuk health food Cooking 25 October 2023

Resistant starch acts as a prebiotic for healthy bacteria, known as probiotics.

Diana Dashkevich food health food facts Cooking 25 October 2023

Even the smallest details like your plate's size, shape, and color can affect your appetite more than you might think. Our brain can be easily tricked into being more or less hungry - but how does it works?

Kate Yakimchuk plates size habits dieting Cooking 25 October 2023

For example, whole grains are a source of insoluble fiber, which helps control weight, promote gut and heart health, and maintain regular bowel movements.

Diana Dashkevich health fiber Cooking 24 October 2023

While trying to eat healthily, lots of people make some pretty destructive mistakes, thinking that it might actually help them. It's important to notice them and fix them, so you won't damage or weaken your body.

Kate Yakimchuk dieting habits food Cooking 23 October 2023

If you don't like fruits, then you might try replacing them with fruit juices - but it's not always a good idea. While some fruit juices can actually have vitamins, they lack other things that whole fruits have.

Kate Yakimchuk juice fruits health Cooking 22 October 2023

When keeping your diet healthy, it's easy to make a few mistakes that can actually do more harm than good. One of such mistakes is cutting off plant oils that are essential for our bodies.

Kate Yakimchuk oils health Cooking 20 October 2023

If you love sweets and cakes, but still want to keep your diet as healthy as it can be, then try vegan cakes! They can often be sugar free and full of natural sweeteners, and they are overall healthier than regular ones.

Kate Yakimchuk vegan cake sweets health Cooking 20 October 2023

When you have strong food allergies, it's hard not to know about that - the symptoms are usually pretty uncomfortable, or even dangerous. Meanwhile, if your allergy isn't that strong, or you can't tolerate the food that you're not supposed to eat, you can miss the signs.

Kate Yakimchuk allergy food health signs Cooking 19 October 2023

When trying to eat healthily, we all make mistakes - it's hard to understand what's good or bad sometimes. It's even harder because lots of people translate pretty opposite things to be good for you, so you can make mistakes without knowing it.

Kate Yakimchuk food dieting mistakes Cooking 18 October 2023

If you genuinely love greasy food, then it's hard to cut it off completely - but it's possible, if you do it gradually. To eat more healthily, you should change your habits slowly, so you won't fail.

Kate Yakimchuk food dieting fats tips Cooking 18 October 2023

When trying to lose weight, lots of people choose to stick to huge caloric deficits hoping to lose weight faster. Unfortunately, this approach has plenty of negative aspects, and it can damage your body a lot.

Kate Yakimchuk dieting calories health Cooking 17 October 2023

If you want to eat healthily, then you should change your diet - but it doesn't happen overnight. To make a healthy diet great, you should stick to it, and it's often hard to change your habits instantly - so you should do it slowly.

Kate Yakimchuk dieting health food habits Cooking 16 October 2023

When summer is over, and the weather becomes cold, your body often lacks some vitamins that can make you healthy and happy. One of the best ways to get these vitamins back is to eat enough fruits - but what fruits should you choose?

Kate Yakimchuk fruits vitamins health fall Cooking 16 October 2023
potato chips

If you want your diet to be healthier, then it's time to cut off the most unhealthy foods - so let's start with potato chips! While being tasty, potato chips are basically the least healthy thing you can eat when keeping your diet clean.

Kate Yakimchuk food chips potatoes dieting Cooking 15 October 2023

Popular diets change regularly, mostly because it's easier for people to find their "food enemies" rather than eating healthily. One of the scariest things in dieting for many people are carbohydrates, or carbs - somehow people still see them as pure evil.

Kate Yakimchuk food carbs carbohydrates health Cooking 13 October 2023

Unfortunately, studies show that almost 50% of the US population consume less recommended daily consumption of this important nutrient.

Diana Dashkevich vitamins health Cooking 13 October 2023
fall apples

Nowadays, you can find basically any fruits and vegetables you like at any time, especially in huge supermarkets. Meanwhile, some fruits are quite seasonal, so they taste the best in specific seasons.

Kate Yakimchuk fruits fall seasons Cooking 12 October 2023

The main function of your skin is to act as a barrier, protecting the rest of your body from sun damage, high and low temperatures, germs, pathogens and toxic substances.

Diana Dashkevich healthy food skin health Cooking 12 October 2023