

People who desperately want to lose some extra body weight often avoid oils and fats, because "there are too many calories in them". While oils are actually pretty calorie-dense, you still need them, at least sometimes - you simply can't be healthy without them.

Kate Yakimchuk oils health food Cooking 12 September 2023

Chicken eggs are perfect for almost everyone - they are widely used in lots of healthy diets because of how nutritious and healthy they are. You can lose weight or gain muscles with them, and you can provide your body with everything it needs as well.

Kate Yakimchuk eggs food health dieting Cooking 9 September 2023

Chicken eggs are great - they are a perfect natural source of proteins and healthy fats that are conveniently packed in small natural containers. They can be used in lots of dishes, but it's better not to eat more than three eggs daily - or it can be too much for your body.

Kate Yakimchuk food eggs health Cooking 9 September 2023

Have you already heard of antioxidants that help you stay healthier and younger? Antioxidants are substances that help protect your body from damage caused by harmful molecules called "free radicals." 

Kate Yakimchuk antioxidants health fruits Cooking 7 September 2023

Metabolism is the process that involves converting the food you eat into energy for functions such as respiration, blood circulation, body temperature control, and food digestion.

Diana Dashkevich food health healthy food Cooking 29 August 2023

While cooked vegetables can be a nutritious and delicious addition to your diet, they might not be a complete substitute for fresh vegetables in all cases.  It's better to eat cooked veggies than none, but you shouldn't completely eliminate fresh ones from your diet as well.

Kate Yakimchuk vegetables cooking food health Cooking 25 August 2023

Cabbage is more useful to eat young and raw, it is in this form that it contains more vitamin C.

Diana Dashkevich cabbage vegetables health Cooking 15 August 2023

Proper nutrition is a more sustainable and effective approach to achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle compared to short-term and restrictive dieting.  It's not only easier to maintain, but it's also more effective for most people.

Kate Yakimchuk health food dieting Cooking 13 August 2023
potato chips

You probably know that potato chips are far from being healthy, but why are they so bad?  While being so tasty, they are actually useless to your body in terms of nutrition, and sometimes even harmful.

Kate Yakimchuk chips food health Cooking 6 August 2023

While fruits are a valuable source of essential nutrients, vitamins, and fiber, there is no strict requirement for people to eat them if they genuinely dislike them or have dietary restrictions that prevent their consumption.  It's essential to recognize that individual dietary preferences and tolerances vary significantly from person to person.

Kate Yakimchuk fruits digestion Cooking 26 July 2023

Some dishes taste better without any garnish, and eggs with meat can be one of them. While vegetables, grains or salad can make your meal better, you don't always have to add them if you don't want to.

Kate Yakimchuk eggs meat healthy food healthy diet Cooking 8 July 2023

If you need to keep a low-fat diet to be healthier, then you might feel hungry pretty often, because fat can be very nutritious. But even when choosing low-fat diets, you can still make them nutritious and fulfilling.

Kate Yakimchuk low-fat healthy food healthy diet Cooking 6 July 2023

After a big party, lots of people might feel weak and dehydrated - and that's why you should choose your next meal carefully. It's time to pick only the best foods that can help you become stronger and feel better.

Kate Yakimchuk healthy food healthy diet Cooking 3 July 2023

Pistachios have a pleasant nutty taste; they are fragrant and are used as a treat in fresh, pickled and fried form, as well as for confectionery.

Diana Dashkevich nuts health vitamins facts Cooking 3 July 2023

Mussels are not only tasty, but also healthy. In the article we will talk about why you should add these seafood to your diet.

Diana Dashkevich seafood mussels health facts Cooking 30 June 2023

Eating salads regularly is a great way to become healthier, but only if these salads aren't full of heavy sauces and fats. But salads that are made of just vegetables and herbs aren't nutritional, so they can't fully satisfy you.

Kate Yakimchuk salad healthy food healthy diet cooking tips Cooking 30 June 2023

While instant noodles are definitely not included in the list of healthy food choices, they aren't that bad either - but only if you eat them occasionally. Though they don't have anything particularly healthy and beneficial in them, one meal can't ruin your healthy diet either.

Kate Yakimchuk food healthy diet noodles Cooking 22 June 2023

Potatoes are full of carbohydrates, so lots of people assume that it's better to avoid them completely while dieting. In fact, potatoes aren't even that bad: they can be perfect for people following healthy and low-calorie diets, but only if you cook them properly.

Kate Yakimchuk potatoes healthy food healthy diet Cooking 21 June 2023