

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for bone growth. In addition to its building function, the vitamin has a protective function: it reduces the growth of cancer cells, helps the immune system fight infections, and reduces the severity of inflammatory processes.

Diana Dashkevich health vitamins Cooking 26 November 2023

Boiling might seem to be the only way of cooking grains, but it's simply not true - there are plenty of other ways of cooking your favorite grains! Moreover, cooking them without boiling can sometimes be even more beneficial for your health and dieting.

Kate Yakimchuk grains cooking boiling Cooking 26 November 2023

The taste of cheddar is creamy, sharp with a slight sourness and a pleasant nutty aftertaste. Like other hard cheeses.

Diana Dashkevich cheese health Cooking 25 November 2023

Not only meat or grains, but also salads can be quite fulfilling. The best thing about salads is that you can mix and improvise with them a lot to achieve amazing taste and nutritious content.

Kate Yakimchuk salad calories health recipe Cooking 25 November 2023

During digestion, blood flow is redirected from other parts of the body to the digestive organs to allow food to be broken down and absorbed.

Diana Dashkevich health food Cooking 22 November 2023

Although eating raw fish comes with risks, adding seafood to your diet can be beneficial.

Diana Dashkevich fish safety health Cooking 21 November 2023

Sometimes when you're stressed, bored, or both, you can't just enjoy food - it all seems not tasty. While some people choose not to eat at all, it's unhealthy - so it's better to change your habits slowly to stay healthy and energetic.

Kate Yakimchuk food hunger appetite tips Cooking 21 November 2023

When thinking of holidays and gathering with friends and family members, people often think about a huge holiday feast. Holidays are the perfect time to eat lots of delicious things, but you should still be mindful of what and how much you eat.

Kate Yakimchuk food holidays health calories Cooking 20 November 2023

Royal jelly is a yellowish-white substance secreted by honey bees to feed larvae and developing queen bees. It is also called honey bee milk, apilak or queen bee jelly.

Diana Dashkevich health vitamins Cooking 20 November 2023

Your diet affects different aspects of your appearance and health, including your hair. Hair needs lots of nutrients to grow strong and healthy, and you can't actually fix your bad diet with conditioners or hair masks.

Kate Yakimchuk hair food health Cooking 20 November 2023

People need sugar occasionally - it boosts their serotonin and energy and helps them think faster. Meanwhile, if you eat candies and cakes too often, then your body can give you hints that it's time to change something in your diet.

Kate Yakimchuk sweets sugar health dieting Cooking 19 November 2023

You shouldn't be afraid of carbohydrates - they can make you full and energetic, you can can eat bread sometimes. Meanwhile, not all bread is healthy, so you should only choose the best varieties to eat regularly.

Kate Yakimchuk bread carbs health Cooking 19 November 2023

You surely shouldn't eat too much sugar to stay healthy, but sometimes your body actually needs glucose. Glucose can be quite beneficial for your health, so you should know the signs that it's time to eat something sweet.

Kate Yakimchuk glucose food health Cooking 19 November 2023

Nowadays almost everyone knows that you have to drink enough water daily to stay healthy. Meanwhile, not everyone wants (or remembers) to drink two or more liters of water every day - so what can you do?

Kate Yakimchuk water hydration tips Cooking 17 November 2023

Traditional English breakfast is popular all over the world, not only in England - and there are a few reasons for that. For instance, it has lots of health benefits that can help you stay full and healthy for years.

Kate Yakimchuk breakfast food Cooking 17 November 2023

People who want to control or lose weight often try to avoid eating fats - they think that they are too high in calories. Some people even assume that fats from food get straight to them, magically making them bigger.

Kate Yakimchuk fats health Cooking 16 November 2023

People don't always eat just because they're hungry - then tend to overeat just because they're stressed or bored. Also, it's sometimes hard to understand how much you should actually eat, especially when everything is so delicious.

Kate Yakimchuk food dieting portion size Cooking 15 November 2023

Your body can show you that it lacks something, so you can change your diet to fix it. There are a few signs that can help you understand that you need more fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Kate Yakimchuk fruits vegetables dieting Cooking 15 November 2023

Lots of people are convinced that you should have breakfast almost immediately after you wake up, or you can skip breakfast when you're not hungry. It's better not to skip breakfast to stay energetic and strong during your day. Also, you should choose perfect timing for a meal.

Kate Yakimchuk breakfast health Cooking 14 November 2023

It's relatively easy to keep your diet healthy, but it becomes way harder during and after holidays. Meanwhile, one feast can sometimes turn into days or weeks of overeating, so you should be very careful with that.

Kate Yakimchuk food dieting health holidays Cooking 14 November 2023