

The ketogenic diet has been shown to effectively control polycystic kidney disease (PKD) in the first clinical trial of its kind. Researchers found that the cysts, which are a key characteristic of the disease, didn't seem to grow when patients were in a state of ketosis, which occurs during the diet.

Kate Yakimchuk research keto diet healthy food kidney Cooking 1 January 2024

Fats are necessary for the elasticity of blood vessels, due to which beneficial elements quickly penetrate tissues and cells, helping to normalize the condition of the skin, nail plates and hair.

Diana Dashkevich fats nutrition facts health health facts Cooking 31 December 2023

In a recent experiment, specialists have found that trans-vaccenic acid has the potential to improve the effectiveness of specific immune cells in combating cancer. The specialists have observed that individuals with higher levels of TVA in their blood exhibited better responses to cancer treatments.

Kate Yakimchuk research dairy products heart health beef Cooking 30 December 2023

While a vegan diet might be not for everyone, it can actually be quite beneficial - and a new experiment proves it. The newest experiment found that following a vegan diet for just 8 weeks can improve cardiovascular health.

Kate Yakimchuk research vegan healthy food heart health Cooking 30 December 2023

The medical name for loss of appetite is anorexia. But it should not be confused with anorexia nervosa - a mental illness, an eating disorder. A person with this diagnosis may feel hungry, but independently limits food intake.

Diana Dashkevich appetite health health facts nutrition facts facts Cooking 29 December 2023

The issue of heavy metals in our food has become more urgent because of the high levels of metals in babies' food. Recently, metals were also found in kids' fruit puree pouches.

Kate Yakimchuk research baby health heavy metals food danger Cooking 27 December 2023

When trying to make your diet healthy, you should always think about your personal diet needs. If a generally healthy food doesn't fit your body, then you should always choose lactose-free options.

Kate Yakimchuk healthy food lactose intolerance food tips Cooking 27 December 2023

For certain groups of people, shrimp are especially necessary. For example, for pregnant women.

Diana Dashkevich shrimps nutrition facts vitamins healthy food Cooking 26 December 2023

Macadamia nuts have a sweet, creamy flavor and a fatty texture. The nut has a spicy vanilla aroma with hints of almond, which is why it is often added to desserts.

Diana Dashkevich nuts nutrition facts vitamins healthy food Cooking 26 December 2023

The main tasks of proteins are to ensure the growth, construction and development of the body. Almost all enzymes and some hormones have a protein composition. Proteins are actively involved in the production of antibodies and ensure the strength and activity of the immune system, and are also involved in the transport of many compounds.

Diana Dashkevich protein food food facts health facts Cooking 25 December 2023

If you're tired of your regular food, then try cooking something new and simple. For instance, there are plenty of recipes for warm salads that can be nutritious, diverse, and delicious!

Kate Yakimchuk warm salad cooking ideas salad tips Cooking 24 December 2023

For most people, Christmas holidays are the time when they don't think about what they eat, or how much they eat - it's relaxation time! Meanwhile, if you don't want to overeat and feel bad, then you should be careful with your diet during holidays.

Kate Yakimchuk feast holidays christmas food healthy diet Cooking 23 December 2023

Families are full of people who are different in many ways - their sex, age, height, weight, and other features can be completely different. That's why everyone needs their own portion size - but how to define it?

Kate Yakimchuk meal size healthy food dieting food Cooking 21 December 2023

Complex (slow) - those that are absorbed slowly, due to which the body receives the necessary energy and manages to spend it without storing fat.

Diana Dashkevich carbohydrates health nutrition facts health facts Cooking 20 December 2023

If you love tomatoes, then you should try cooking tomato soup - it can be delicious and versatile! Tomato soups can be hot or cold, pepper, sweet, or sour, and they can include lots of amazing ingredients as well.

Kate Yakimchuk tomato soup cooking ideas food tomatoes Cooking 18 December 2023

An egg yolk is a small bag with all the possible beneficial substances that are necessary for the development of a chicken.

Diana Dashkevich eggs nutrition facts food facts Cooking 17 December 2023

The unique taste of blueberries cannot be confused with anything else. We love these large and juicy berries for their soft sweetness with a barely noticeable sourness. It is often compared to blueberries due to its visual similarity. However, blueberries have a brighter and tart taste with a characteristic sourness.

Diana Dashkevich berries vitamins healthy food Cooking 17 December 2023

For some people, it's quite hard to differentiate their real hunger from emotional eating. When they're bored, tired, or anxious, their first thought is to eat something - but it's definitely not hunger.

Kate Yakimchuk eating habits suppressing emotions hunger food Cooking 16 December 2023

Healthy dieting isn't just about weight management - it can be way more beneficial for you! From living longer to general well-being, healthy dieting can be quite amazing, and that's why some people stick to it for life.

Kate Yakimchuk healthy food dieting health benefits food Cooking 13 December 2023

When you're ill, your appetite might not be as intense as usual, but you should still eat, because food is necessary for your recovery! Some foods can be quite beneficial for your health, so you should eat more of them to become healthy sooner.

Kate Yakimchuk healthy food illness vitamins food preparation Cooking 13 December 2023