

You've probably already seen microgreens and know that they can be very good for your health - but how? Scientists are now checking if these tiny veggies, which you can easily grow at home, are as super-healthy as people claim. 

Kate Yakimchuk research microgreen vegetables health 15 September 2023

Smoothies are often seen as extremely healthy, but there weren't many experiments that could prove it. Specialists conducted an experiment to understand how the combination of different ingredients in smoothies affects the absorption of beneficial compounds called flavanols in the body.

Kate Yakimchuk research health 15 September 2023

It is a process that involves converting the food you eat into energy to power functions such as breathing, blood circulation, body temperature control, and food digestion.

Diana Dashkevich nutrition healthy food facts 15 September 2023

Tapioca tastes like sweet potatoes, looks like starch, but is actually gluten-free flour. Tapioca is produced in different culinary forms - in the form of a fine powder (starch, flour, powder), “pearl” granules, flakes and sticks.

Diana Dashkevich food healthy food food facts 15 September 2023
salmon with herbs

Researchers at Penn State have discovered a way to make popular American foods healthier without sacrificing taste. They replaced excess saturated fats, sugar, and salt in these foods with healthy herbs and spices.

Kate Yakimchuk research health herbs fats spices 15 September 2023

We all know that fruits and veggies are healthy - it's a basic information that even children know well. But this diest can be even more beneficial for your health than you think - and a new study shows it well.

Kate Yakimchuk research fruits health 15 September 2023

Lots of people have seen advertisements making sure that oat milk is the healthiest alternative to regular cow milk. While it's actually great for people who are lactose intolerant, it doesn't mean that oat milk itself is that great for you.

Kate Yakimchuk milk health 14 September 2023

Nowadays, vegans have plenty of meat alternatives that can easily replace real meat in their diets. It's easy to find food with different textures and flavors, so it's often interesting to know what these things are made of.

Kate Yakimchuk food vegan meat ingredients 14 September 2023

Only 10% of adults in the United States eat two to three cups of vegetables daily. Only 12.3% eat the recommended one and a half to two cups of fruit.

Diana Dashkevich nutrition vegetables fruits health 14 September 2023

Dried banana is used as an independent product as a treat or snack. It is also added to dairy products, baked goods, cereals, desserts, and compotes. You can use dried fruits as a decoration for various dishes.

Diana Dashkevich bananas healthy food food facts 14 September 2023

We often hear multiple different theories on how often we should eat to lose weight healthily. Some specialists claim that it's better to eat small portions frequently, others claim otherwise - so where's the truth?

Kate Yakimchuk food meals nutrition dieting tips 14 September 2023

Cereals are often seen as a convenient and healthy breakfast alternative, but it's not always true. While it's actually pretty easy to make a bowl of cereal, it's still pretty far from being a healthy meal, especially when cereals are sweet.

Kate Yakimchuk food health sugar 14 September 2023

Lots of people drink a bit too much sometimes - so they feel pretty bad after parties. While you might have no appetite in the morning, you still need to eat something to feel better.

Kate Yakimchuk party breakfast food 13 September 2023

If you're looking for healthy pasta alternatives, then try soba - delicious buckwheat noodles that can make your menu more diverse. They aren't just tasty - they also have plenty of health benefits that can improve your diet.

Kate Yakimchuk food noodles health 13 September 2023

The flavor accent of the sweet potato - even if you just bake it in the oven - is obviously sweet with a pleasant spicy undertone. It tastes like pumpkin and carrots at the same time. This is surprising for us - lovers of ordinary potatoes, but this makes cooking sweet potatoes even more exciting.

Diana Dashkevich sweet potato healthy food food facts 13 September 2023

Sea urchin is a delicacy that tastes like scallop with notes of papaya or oysters with hints of meaty flavor.

Diana Dashkevich seafood healthy food health 13 September 2023
canned food

Americans used to love canned food, and though we still have plenty of canned food to choose from, things used to be way stranger. While nowadays you can mostly buy canned meat and legumes, people of the past used to have a huge variety of canned options to choose from.

Kate Yakimchuk food storage history 13 September 2023
fast food

Many popular fast food restaurants are relatively old - but it doesn't mean that they haven't changed in years. Fast food industry adapts and evolves constantly, not only to make more money, but also to make their clients happier.

Kate Yakimchuk food health dieting 13 September 2023

Cornflakes are often marketed as the best breakfast choice for most Americans. Lots of people eat them daily in the morning, but are they actually that healthy?

Kate Yakimchuk breakfast food health 12 September 2023

When people want to lose some extra body weight, they often try lots of low-fat products marketed as "healthy". While these foods can actually not have much fat, it doesn't mean they are healthier or overall better for you.

Kate Yakimchuk food fats health 12 September 2023