

Microgreens of pak choy cabbage (bok choy) have a piquant and slightly spicy taste; they are used as regular greens in salads, to decorate dishes of meat, fish, poultry and vegetables.

Diana Dashkevich vegetables healthy food health facts Cooking 22 January 2024

If you want your diet to be healthier, then sugar is the first thing that has to go. The thing is, you can find sugar in most products, so it might be hard to get rid of it completely.

Kate Yakimchuk sugar healthy food healthy diet candy Cooking 21 January 2024

If you're an anxious person, or you often have some nervous situations, then you might also experience sickness and appetite loss. While sometimes it's easier just to skip your meal, sometimes you have to eat something – so what can you do?

Kate Yakimchuk stress appetite loss sickness eating habits Cooking 20 January 2024

When counting calories, lots of people tend to miscalculate the number of calories they consume daily. It's not like they're bad at math – some calories are just hidden, and people often forget about them.

Kate Yakimchuk calories healthy food body weight overeating Cooking 19 January 2024

Being one of the sourest fruits in the world, lemons are often used in cooking and baking. This fruit can be extremely beneficial for your health, but it's not the most interesting thing about it.

Kate Yakimchuk healthy food fruits lemons fruit facts Cooking 19 January 2024

An unhealthy diet high in saturated fat, sugar and salt, smoking and drinking alcohol, too much or no exercise, poor hygiene (especially hand washing), stress and lack of rest negatively affect our immune system.

Diana Dashkevich vitamins immune system health facts Cooking 18 January 2024

Toxins are poisons that can cause potential poisoning of the body. The human body has a liver and kidneys, it is they that filter the blood, and harmful substances are excreted through feces and urine.

Diana Dashkevich health healthy diet nutrition facts Cooking 17 January 2024

With its cheesy, nutty flavor, nutritional yeast can be added to almost all meals and snacks for added protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Diana Dashkevich health healthy food vegan vegetarianism nutrition facts Cooking 15 January 2024

If your diet isn't diverse or balanced enough, then you might lack many nutrients without even knowing it. For instance, if your body lacks magnesium, then your body will give you the signs that something goes wrong.

Kate Yakimchuk magnesium healthy food vitamins vitamin deficiency Cooking 14 January 2024

It's not the most popular spice in the ginger family, but it has fantastic health benefits.

Diana Dashkevich spices health health facts nutrition facts Cooking 13 January 2024

High-quality rice does not have any odor, such as sourness or other foods stored next to it, even though it is a strong absorbent.

Diana Dashkevich rice health health facts nutrition facts Cooking 11 January 2024

Domestic cats can't always understand whether they should eat some food or not, especially if it smells good. Their bodies often can't naturally digest some products they couldn't get naturally.

Kate Yakimchuk cat health cat food pets kittens Animals 10 January 2024

Ground turmeric tastes like a mixture of ginger and orange. This spice goes well with rice, meat, fish, sauces, omelettes, pastas and even baked goods.

Diana Dashkevich spices health health facts nutrition facts Cooking 8 January 2024

Metabolism, or metabolism, is the process of breaking down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The body ultimately receives the energy necessary for life and health.

Diana Dashkevich health health facts nutrition facts food Cooking 5 January 2024

Many people switch their diets every season, so they can stay full and still feel healthy without overeating. For most, winter is the season when they need more energy, so they switch to heavy, nutritious meals.

Kate Yakimchuk winter diet vitamins healthy food tips Cooking 5 January 2024

If you tend to eat to calm down when you're stressed or nervous then it might affect your mental and physical health a lot. Meanwhile, people with eating disorders can't always understand which one they are experiencing at the moment.

Kate Yakimchuk emotional eating healthy food hunger overeating Cooking 4 January 2024

Night or evening gluttons can occur in people with different body types and weights. Occurs due to lack of diet or too strict a diet. Some scientists believe that the reason lies in hormones.

Diana Dashkevich night nutrition facts health health facts Cooking 4 January 2024

Rice milk is a low-calorie, hypoallergenic product with a delicate sweet taste. The drink was created using a special technology that preserves beneficial vitamins and microelements contained in rice. Enriched with calcium, does not contain lactose and harmful fats.

Diana Dashkevich rice milk cooking tips nutrition facts Cooking 2 January 2024

Some people get severe headaches from red wine, even if they drink a small amount. Scientists investigated why this occurs, particularly in individuals who don't experience headaches from other alcoholic beverages.

Kate Yakimchuk research red wine headache healthy food Cooking 2 January 2024

Scientists have found that pregnant ladies in high-income countries are not getting the necessary nutrients for themselves and their future kids from their diets. An experiment involving over 1,700 ladies revealed that 90% of them lacked important vitamins crucial for healthy pregnancies and the wellbeing of their unborn kids.

Kate Yakimchuk research pregnancy healthy food child development Cooking 2 January 2024