Dietitians believe that a keto diet, which is high in fat and low in carbs, can help people lose weight and may even fight certain cancers. However, there's a problem: research shows that this diet might unintentionally harm cancer patients.
Kate Yakimchuk research meat cancer Cooking 24 September 2023You can actually be genetically prone to obesity - your genes can make it harder for you to feel full, and they can make your hunger worse. Meanwhile, a new study shows that some food restrictions can actually help people to keep their weight healthy and avoid obesity.
Kate Yakimchuk research obesity genetics food Cooking 24 September 2023Soups can be extremely versatile, but most of them are delicious - so you can always choose the recipe that suits your tastes the best! What's even more important - they are perfect for losing weight, and there are a few reasons for that.
Kate Yakimchuk soup food health weight Cooking 23 September 2023While younger people often prefer lean meat, a huge number of Americans tend to eat beef only. A new study discovered that 12% of Americans are responsible for eating half of all the beef consumed in a single day.
Kate Yakimchuk research beef meat ecology Cooking 23 September 2023Food shapes almost everything in our life, including our health. A new research paper published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society hints that the ketogenic (or keto) diet could potentially reduce testosterone levels in ladies diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome.
Kate Yakimchuk research food Cooking 23 September 2023When your goal is to eat healthily, you shouldn't only focus on your main meals - snacks also count. A recent study shows that one in four individuals is jeopardizing the advantages of nutritious meals by indulging in unhealthy snacks.
Kate Yakimchuk research snacking health food Cooking 22 September 2023You've probably heard that fasting can be extremely effective for people who want to lose weight quickly - and it is, but it's not that simple. New studies show that lots of people gain weight back after they finish fasting, and it often happens pretty quickly.
Kate Yakimchuk fasting research obesity Cooking 21 September 2023If you're actually interested in dieting and healthy food, then you probably know about dietary fiber. While you can naturally find it in fruits and vegetables, you can also buy it to add in many dishes, because it's beneficial for your health.
Kate Yakimchuk food health Cooking 21 September 2023Insulin is a powerful hormone that regulates sugar in our bodies, so scientists study it a lot. Meanwhile, insulin resistance is still poorly studied, so a team of scientists have researched it recently.
Kate Yakimchuk research genetics diabetes Cooking 20 September 2023Lots of people believe that eating big portions of food is bad for you, because it can permanently make your stomach bigger. It's also believed that a bigger stomach can make it harder for you to feel full, so it can lead to overeating.
Kate Yakimchuk food stomach health habits Cooking 20 September 2023You've probably heard about the Mediterranean diet - it's pretty popular nowadays, and it's often seen as extremely healthy. People who eat it look naturally better and younger, and their health seems to be way better.
Kate Yakimchuk research food health Cooking 18 September 2023We often hear multiple different theories on how often we should eat to lose weight healthily. Some specialists claim that it's better to eat small portions frequently, others claim otherwise - so where's the truth?
Kate Yakimchuk food meals nutrition tips Cooking 14 September 2023Many popular fast food restaurants are relatively old - but it doesn't mean that they haven't changed in years. Fast food industry adapts and evolves constantly, not only to make more money, but also to make their clients happier.
Kate Yakimchuk food health Cooking 13 September 2023Chocolate is one of the most loved treats of many people, including those who want to lose extra weight. While it contains lots of calories, you can actually eat in moderation, because it has some benefits for your body as well.
Kate Yakimchuk food chocolate calories Cooking 10 September 2023Chicken eggs are perfect for almost everyone - they are widely used in lots of healthy diets because of how nutritious and healthy they are. You can lose weight or gain muscles with them, and you can provide your body with everything it needs as well.
Kate Yakimchuk eggs food nutrition health Cooking 9 September 2023If you're interested in healthy diets and weight management, then you probably know about keto - it's a pretty trendy thing nowadays. This diet allows you to eat lots of protein and stay full - isn't it great?
Kate Yakimchuk food health Cooking 7 September 2023Modern diet culture often demonizes carbohydrates, but it's not fair - these elements are actually pretty important for your body. While some effective diets can actually help you lose weight by cutting off carbohydrates, this approach also has some negative effects.
Kate Yakimchuk food carbohydrates health Cooking 7 September 2023Lots of people are concerned about their weight after weekends or holidays, but they don't always need to. To gain 1 pound of body weight, you need to consume an excess of approximately 3,500 calories beyond what your body burns in its daily functions and activities.
Kate Yakimchuk food calories weight Cooking 5 September 2023After the holidays, you might find yourself needing to reset and improve your diet, especially if you've indulged in rich, high-calorie foods. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to fix your diet and get back on track.
Kate Yakimchuk food holidays Cooking 4 September 2023When dieting, it's essential to maintain an adequate intake of protein for several reasons. Eating too few proteins while dieting can have negative consequences for your health and weight loss goals.
Kate Yakimchuk food protein health Cooking 2 September 2023